Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reconnected With an Old Song Today

Today I stumbled across a song I was once very close to. I can’t pinpoint when it happened but at some point I stopped listening to it and then forgot it existed. When it popped up on my Spotify I was flooded with a bunch of memories. I spent much of the day reconnecting with it, remembering why I was so fond of it in the first place. There is a particular ex-boyfriend that kept popping into my head. I imagine this song and I parted ways around the time my ex and I did.

“If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it was never meant to be.”

My ex and I weren’t meant to be but this song and I were. Welcome back little song. I’ve missed you.

Friday, July 25, 2014

I Found a Penny, Here's a Thought

Procrastination: the practice of making today better. Leaving stuff that can be done later often makes another day very bad, but it always makes today better. And, today almost always wins in my world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Mean Haiku

A few years ago some friends and I were writing haikus back and forth. My favorite contribution follows:

The moon is crying
The sun laughs behind its back
We all join the sun

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just a Thought

I think jog is too close job. From now on, I’m going to go for a jacation in the mornings. That sounds more enticing. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fast Lane

I pretty much always drive in the fast lane because I’m pretty much always driving the fastest. When I’m not driving the fastest, I move over to a slower lane. I’m confused why so many don’t understand fast lanes. Maybe we need to be more specific and call it the “only drive in this lane if no one is behind you and if you’re going faster than (not the same speed as) the cars to your right lane.”

Unfortunately, some people confuse it with the “I’m driving the speed limit so it’s fast enough for any lane lane.” Hopefully you’re not one of these people but if you are, this lane does not exist and if it did, it would be the most right lane.

And to other worthy fast laners, if a car comes up behind you in the fast lane, move over. Don’t waste your time getting angry about how fast they’re driving. Thank them as they drive by. You now have a cop blocker and therefore permission to drive a little faster if you so desire.

Next week’s lesson: The carpool lane ain’t the casual “nobody can come into my lane lane” like you’d hoped.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Corporate Yearbooks

I wish companies had yearbooks. I want to go around and get people that I've been in meetings with but don't know very well to write me little messages about how nice it was to have meetings with me. It would create a good excuse to get the cutest guy in the company to sign my book so I can pretend like we were friends. I'd even join the Social Outreach group and the Emergency Team simply to have my picture on more pages. Also, superlatives would be awesome:

  • Most likely to take credit for other people's work
  • Cutest secret couple
  • Most likely to get fired
  • Company flirt
  • Most politically incorrect executive
  • Most Facebook posts during work hours
  • Most likely to cry
  • Stinkiest
  • Messiest desk (I'm on my way to win this one)
  • Least likely to show up to work (FACT: I haven't seen one of my coworkers in months)
There really are so many possibilities. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

San Funcisco

I recently took a business trip to one of my favorite cities and extended the trip through the weekend to visit some of my favorite friends.

One of the highlights from the weekend was a trip to House of Airs. It’s a place that’s full of trampolines and children. My friend and I apparently didn’t fit the mold. When we went to purchase our entrance, the guy seemed a little surprised by the fact that we weren’t there for a party and had no kids. We explained that we were simply two adults that like to jump really high. The other adults brought children and sat around and talked. While they talked to their adult friends, my adult friend and I pelted their children with balls in a high-bouncing game of dodge ball. Our team won.

I love my friends, I love San Francisco, and I love that House of Airs allows adults to pelt children with balls. It was fun.